What's in this site
Beerengine currently has entries for 948 bars, 203 beershops, 4084 brewers and 13362 beers.
Only bars and beershops in Europe and of interest to serious beer drinkers are listed in this site. All brewers and beers are welcome.
Beerengine mobile
For mobile devices there's a separate site optimised for small touch screens.
Working with your location you can see what's nearby, navigate to a location and make geo tagged notes.
All beer related events from local tastings to international festivals are welcome here.
Events are filtered geographically so you can easily see those relevant to you.
If you're having an event please let Beerengine know.
Report an eventGet with the program...
If you run a Bar or Shop in Europe that's serious about quality beer your place should have an entry in Beerengine. It's easy to do and should only take a few moments of your time
How to do itApplication status
Anyone can add and edit entries.
Event dates last checked 2025-02-09.
Map Browser
This page has a large map which you can move and zoom to the area you're interested in. The right side of the page lists all the Beerengine entries in the visible part of the map.
Starting with a list of Countries this page allows you to 'drill down' into the information in two different ways. Clicking on place names will move on to the next level geographically. Clicking on the numbers will list those entries. For example to list all the brewers in the Italian province of Lombardia click on 'Italy' to see a list of Italian provinces then click the number in the 'Brewers' column on the 'Lombardia' row.
Live search
Search the site simply and rapidly. As you type you will see a list of entries whose name contains the text you've typed. If you're not sure of spellings you can type just the bit you know.
All beer related events from local tastings to international festivals are welcome here. Events are listed around a location so you will not see local events in far distant cities.
If you're having an event please let Beerengine know.
Just keeping the place warm
Where you see this icon clicking on it will add the entry to your clipboard.
The Beerengine clipboard allows you to save links to things in the site you want to go back to.
Add a new entry to Beerengine
Add bar, beershop or brewer entries to Beerengine.
Beers must be added trough the brewer's entry.
Make location tagged notes on the move using your phone then manage them here.